Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
1972— A 1972 Ford Gremlin internal-combustion engine is
modifi ed by students at the University of California at Los
Angeles to run on hydrogen. The modifi ed Gremlin wins
fi rst prize in a competition for the vehicle with the lowest
tailpipe emissions.
1988— Scientists in the Soviet Union successfully convert
a 164-passenger commercial jet to fl y with one of the jet's
three engines powered by liquid hydrogen. Even though
the fl ight lasts only 21 minutes, it opens the door to the
use of liquid hydrogen in jet engines.
1990— The world's fi rst solar-powered production plant to
produce hydrogen opens in southern Germany.
1994— The Daimler Benz Motor Company in Germany
demonstrates its fi rst fuel cell vehicle.
2003— President George W. Bush announces the
beginning of a $1.2 billion hydrogen fuel initiative to
pursue hydrogen fuel technology.
2004— Germany tests the world's fi rst fuel cell-powered
submarine in deep water.
2008— More than 40 U.S. states have hydrogen
research and development projects under way, in the U.S.
Department of Energy's Hydrogen Program.
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