Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
in Using
Hydrogen Fuel
Hydrogen fuel is made from the
most plentiful element in the universe.
The actual chemical reaction that forms
the fuel results in zero toxic waste. The only
“waste” that is made is water, from which even
more hydrogen fuel can be made. This is great news for the
environment because it helps to limit the amount of carbon
dioxide in the atmosphere. Looking at all these facts, it would
seem that there could not possibly be a downside to using
hydrogen fuel—but there are drawbacks.
The Expense of Making Hydrogen Fuel
It is expensive to produce hydrogen fuel. Even though hydrogen
itself is plentiful, it is found in compounds that must be broken
apart to release the hydrogen. Each of the processes used
today to make hydrogen—such as electrolysis and steam-
methane reforming—requires some type of energy. That energy
costs money, whether it is for electricity to split apart water
molecules or for heat and pressure to break apart a methane
molecule. Also, the energy being used to produce the hydrogen
fuel has a cost in terms of harmful byproducts that might be
produced as well. Currently, it costs more to produce hydrogen
fuel than it does to produce fuels such as coal, oil, and natural
gas. The high cost of producing hydrogen fuel means that there
probably will not be large hydrogen power plants in the near
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