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An important point to notice here is that webble annotations describe only
webbles and their slots. Indeed, the example annotation of Figure 3 does not
say anything about the image http://a/b/c.jpeg displayed by the image web-
ble wi . In other words, webble annotations in this figure annotate only media
containers and do not annotate media contents .
2.2 Annotating Slot Values
To annotate media contents, our approach uses an entailment rule to infer anno-
tations of media contents from annotations of media containers and their state.
In other words, our framework assumes that metadata of a media content is
represented as state of a media container. Regarding the webble architecture,
the state of a webble is externalized as a set of slot values.
An(wm) =
{ (dc:title, "Metadata"), (rdf:type, DublinCoreWebble),
(wb:hasSlot, wm:#url), (wb:hasSlot, wm:#title), ...
{ (dc:title, "URL"), (rdf:type, TextSlot),
(wb:hasValue, "") }
An(wm:#title) = { (dc:title, "Title"), (rdf:type, TextSlot) }
(wb:represents, dc:title), (wb:annotatesValueOf, wm:#url),
(wb:hasValue, "La Joconde")
An(wm:#url) =
... ... ...
Fig. 4. Slot value annotation example
Figure 4 shows an example annotation of DublinCoreWebble wm and its slots
(only annotations of url slot and title slot are shown).
The properties wb:represents and wb:annotatesValueOf in the annotation
of title slot are terms from the webble vocabulary used for annotating values
of slots. Intuitively, the annotation of title slot says that “the value of title
slot represents dc:title of something specified by url slot”.
This statement is represented by three terms of webble vocabulary and one
entailment rule. Figure 5 illustrates the mechanism of slot value annotation.
In this figure, wb:represents associates slot t with an attribute name p .
v s
v t
wb:represents p
Fig. 5. wb:represents and wb:annotatesValueOf
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