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capabilities for XAML vector graphic design and a powerful C# SDK. More powerful
than Flash regarding its coding possibilities, which was mainly made for web
designers and artists with rather weak scripting tools.
Back then, in 2007, plug-ins in general was considered the primary choice for
creating web software that required that extra, and though many different approaches
was considered, choosing Silverlight at that time, five years ago, was a decision made
without any later regret.
Today's version is the third iteration of the framework since it has been 'forced' to
closely follow the level of progress done by Microsoft in regard of Silverlight. For
each iteration the system has become stronger and more pleasing, in regard of stabili-
ty, feature richness, interface appeal and user friendliness. It takes only a few hours to
create a classic ball and paddle game like Arkanoid, and only a few minutes to create
a common style interactive website.
Fig. 4. The 'Dashboard' gets a whole research paper of its own, so here we only show apps that
entertain without any attempt to educate, except future Webble application developers that is
At the beginning of Webble Worlds Life cycle, each new application idea also re-
quired one or more primitive Webbles to be built and coded as well, but today the
repository is getting rich enough to allow most current Webble application developers
to build numerous types of applications without the need to look for building blocks
outside the repository. This is partly due to the latest increase of primitive Webbles
but also the strengthened capabilities of Webble World that allows the user to con-
figure and control Webbles beyond their original intended use. Two Webbles of the
same primitive class can sometimes look so different in appearance and behavior due
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