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To further enhance the quality of education of the helpers in civil protection,
this paper proposes a training system for constructing an interactive emergency
situation map to provide a small contribution to the huge challenge of disaster
management and civil protection.
On one hand, this training system provides an easy to customize environment
for teachers to present an easy to use tool to teach the work of the map leader.
On the other hand, it is an easy way for the learner to interactively become
familiar with the procedures of the work processes of S2 and to deepen and
further develop the existing knowledge. Thus the student is better prepared for
the challenges in practical exercises. This should lead to a more ecient flow
in practical exercises. The resulting gain in time can be used to develop the
scenarios,whichinturnleadtoamoreoptimized preparation for the reality. All
described ideas are implementable on Webble World platform.
Each of these elements can exchange data with other elements. It is possible
to evaluate the the learners solution without human control. Thus the work
for teachers is reduced, which is an advantage for managing a large number of
students. In the end, this type of training system is not only a useful interactive
interface, but represents a communication tool between teachers and students,
allowing to check and exchange the flow of information on the state of the learner
Acknowledgments. We would like to acknowledge the AKNZ. We partici-
pated in the 4th International BBK Summer Academy in 2012. This was a big
inspiration for this work.
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