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3 Training Scenario for Situation Map Management
To fulfill the responsibilities, the S2 must get familiar with the following tools.
The first one, the 4-way form 4-fach Vordruck which is used as a communication
tool for getting various information. This form consists mainly of the recipient,
the message field, the sender field and some administratively relevant information
fields. Information transferred by the four-colored forms must be interpreted and
represented in the situation map. To do so, the S2 have to have an extensive
knowledge about tactical symbols. The following will illustrate an example of
how a task is generated by the teacher and solved interactively by the learner.
Following through the work flow from the beginning to the end, learners can
obtain additional knowledge about the individual tools and symbols.
As an overall view of the system, it is divided in 2 main parts: one for the
teacher and another for the student. For teachers the system provides modular
elements available to build a fictional training task. Out of this elements, teachers
can adjust the system to fit the desired teaching scenario. After creating the task
the teacher safe the task so the learner can open it, or he/she send it to the learner
directly. This depends on the implementation method.
The learner opens the new webble task, solves it with suitable feedback and
saves or sends it back to the teacher.
To reduce the workload for teachers, the correction of the solution is automat-
ically done by using some programmed logics in the interactive solving process
by learners. So, teachers can just monitor successfully completed tasks.
3.1 Example Scenario Description in General
An example scenario could be represented as follows: A teacher has a map ele-
ment, a selection for tactical symbols for building a situation map, and a “4-fach
Vordruck” form which he/she describes a situation. Also another element can be
used for a brief summary of the current situation. This could be used as part of a
fictional situation briefing to summarize the situation. The individual elements
can be scaled individually and their contents are adapted automatically. If a user
drags one element and drops it over another, the dropped element is embedded
onto another element. In this way, learners can put the elements together to
complete a task. Each workspace has a task bar allowing to view hidden ele-
ments. It will be extended automatically when a new element appears on the
surface. The following part will explain the parts of the interface in detail.
3.2 Teachers Interface
In Fig. 5 you can see a sample presentation of the working surface for the teacher.
At the beginning of creating a new task, the teacher creates a new incoming
message out of a template on a 4-fach Vordruck. As similar to a real situation,
it would serve as the starting point for the work of S2. In this template he/she
can change all fields. In this case he/she fills in the sender, the content of the
message, and the receiver.
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