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The Potentials of Meme Media Technology
for Web-Based Training
at the Emergency Situation Map
Sebastian Arnold and Jun Fujima
Fraunhofer IDMT, Children's Media Department, 99094 Erfurt, Germany
{ sebastian.arnold,jun.fujima }
Abstract. Disaster management is a very important field of civil pro-
tection. For effective protection of the population, some governmental
institutions or agencies provide training in crisis management teams.
An important aspect of working in a crisis management team is man-
aging and presenting information on the current situation. It is dicult
to learn the practical implementation of the information representation
only from such short term training opportunities. A preliminary Web-
based practice of the workflow within a realistic situation will help to
solve the problem and increase the quality of the training. This paper
discusses the possibility of building such a Web-based training environ-
ment for teaching and learning the situation map which is powered by
the Webble technology.
Keywords: disaster management, emergency situation map, Web-based
training, e-learning.
1 Introduction
Disaster management is a very important field of civil protection in Germany
not least because of the background of changing climate. For effective protec-
tion of the population, it is important that the coordination of the rescue units
are arranged smoothly and eciently. In May 2004 the German federal govern-
ment established the Bundesamt fur Bevolkerungsschutz und Katastrophenhilfe
(BBK) 1 . It is located in a division of the Bundesministerium des Inneren (BMI) 2
and takes over tasks of civil protection and disaster relief support with the con-
sent of the most competent and highest federal authorities. As a central training
institution of the BBK, the Akademie fur Krisenmanagement, Notfallplanung
und Zivilschutz (AKNZ) 3 takes an important part for training of pension plan-
ning and disaster management at all levels of decision-making. Through the pro-
vision of a wide variety of seminars and events, in addition to theoretical training
1 Federal Oce of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance.
2 Federal Ministry of the Interior.
3 Academy of Crisis Management, Emergency Planning and Civil Protection.
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