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It follows a description of the annotation algorithm which works stage by
stage beginning on stage 1. The input parameters are any p
P with
= k
and any s
= l and l<k .
There are at most l turns. The current stage number is denoted by n .Atthe
beginning of turn n , there is a certain number an n of already annotated sections
of the pattern p and a certain number un n of not yet annotated sections with
an n + un n
M + with
l .
1and un n =1,then p has the structure p = p 1 p u p 2 where
1. If an n = l
p 1 ,p 2
X ) , p u
X ) + , and exactly the symbols of p u do not
( M
( M
yet carry any annotation.
Annotate exactly all symbols of p u by n. 1; an n +1 := l ; un n +1 := 0; exit the
2. If an n = l
2and un n =2,then p has the structure p = p 1 p 1 p 2 p 2 p 3 where
X ) + , and exactly the symbols of p 1
and p 2 do not yet carry any annotation.
(a) If p 1 = p 2 , then annotate exactly all symbols of p 1 by n. 1andallsymbols
of p 2 by n. 2; an n +1 := l ; un n +1 := 0; exit the procedure.
(b) If p 1
p 1 ,p 2 ,p 3
X ) , p 1 ,p 2
( M
( M
= p 2 , then annotate exactly all symbols of p 1 by n. 1; an n +1 := l
un n +1 := 1.
3. Otherwise, an n + un n <l and un n > 1. In this case, the pattern p has an
initial segment p 1 p u p 2
p where p 1 ,p 2
X ) , p u
X ) + ,and
( M
( M
exactly the symbols of p u do not yet carry any annotation.
Look for some longest initial segment r
p u which occurs repeatedly in p u
or in any other following not yet annotated sections (occurrences should be
(a) If there is no such r which occurs at least twice, take the first letter z of
p u , i.e., z
p u , and annotate it by n. 1;
an n +1 := an n +1;if z = p u ,then un n +1 := un n
X and z
1 else un n +1 := un n .
(b) If r is found, look for a maximal number f of non-overlapping occurrences
in not yet annotated parts such that the following conditions are met,
where f denotes the resulting number of newly annotated sections and
g denotes the resulting number of not yet annotated sections left over.
i. The value g does not exceed the value l
an n
f .
f does not exceed the remaining number of
symbols without any annotation.
If the conditions are valid, annotate these f sections by n. 1to n.f ,resp.,
and set an n +1 := an n + f and un n +1 := g , accordingly.
ii. The value l
an n
As a result, the whole pattern p is separated into sections being annotated by
terms of the form u.v ,where u is not exceeding l . The ultimately resulting
number of sections is exactly l .
The resulting annotation is interpreted as some pattern, where each section
annotated by some u.v is understood to represent the variable x u . For instance,
in fig. 5 this pattern is x 1 x 2 x 3 x 4 x 1 x 3 . In figure 6, the pattern is x 1 x 2 x 3 x 4 x 1 x 3 x 5 .
This pattern does always generalize p , but does not necessarily generalize s .
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