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methods. In this case, the “processing” of a queue element simply emits the
information found in the WorkUnit object:
public void stateChanged(CuratorFramework arg0,
ConnectionState arg1) {
System. out .println(arg1);
public void consumeMessage(WorkUnit message) throws
Exception {
System. out .println(name
+" consumed "+message.workId+"/"+message.payload);
Finally, here is a simple process that can be created that starts two queue
DistributedQueueConsumer q1 = new
"localhost","queue 1"
DistributedQueueConsumer q2 = new
"localhost","queue 2"
new Thread( new
When this process starts running, it first consumes any items left over in
items. Note that the items are assigned to arbitrary queue consumers
depending on the watch that happens to get triggered by the ZooKeeper
Starting Producer
Added item
queue 2 consumed 0/Next Work Unit 1
Added item
queue 2 consumed 1/Next Work Unit 2
Added item
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