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Rather than using the basic implementation for the computation of the
change in weight, the Layer implementation stores the weight delta values
using a separate matrix:
double dW[][];
double dbW[];
double m = 0.1;
public MomentumLayer( int units, int inputs,
Activation fn, boolean bias) {
super (units, inputs, fn, bias);
dW = new double [units][];
for ( int i=0;i<v.length;i++) dW[i] = new
double [inputs];
if (bias)
dbW = new double [units];
Theupdate stepthen usesaweighted average ofthenew delta fortheweight
and the previous delta for the weight with the weight being chosen by a
constant value m :
public double [] update( double [] o, double r) {
for ( int i=0;i<v.length;i++) {
if (bW != null ) {
dbW[i] = (1-m)*r*err[i] + m*dbW[i];
bW[i] += dbW[i];
double [] W = w[i];
for ( int j=0;j<W.length;j++) {
dW[i][j] = (1-m)*r*err[i]*o[j] + m*dW[i][j];
W[j] += dW[i][j];
return v;
This allows weight changes in the same direction to proceed more rapidly,
while sudden changes in the direction of the weight have less of an effect. In
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