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Where the Arithmetic.binomial function from the Colt numerical
section. This is commonly known as the binomial coefficient .
In addition to describing the probability of drawing i balls of a particular
color in n draws when the balls are replaced, it is also used to model other
processes where the probability doesn't change from trial to trial. This
includes the number of heads in n flips of a coin, or the sum of the faces of a
number of dice after each roll. In general, it is the probability of i successes
out of n tries when the probability of success is p.
If the balls are not returned after each draw, it is called a hypergeometric
distribution . If K is the total number of red balls and N is the total number
of balls, its mass function is implemented as the following:
public static double dhypergeom(long k,long n,long
N,long K) {
return (Arithmetic. binomial (K, k)
*Arithmetic. binomial (N-K, n-k))
/Arithmetic. binomial (N, n);
Geometric and Negative Binomial Distributions
The distribution of the number of non-red balls drawn with replacement
before the first red ball is called the geometric distribution (sometimes also
called the first success distribution ):
public static double dgeometric(long i,double p) {
return Math.pow(1-p, i-1)*p;
Extending this to the distribution of the number of draws with replacement
before the r th red ball is drawn is called the negative binomial distribution .
The geometric distribution is actually a special case of the negative binomial
(the case where r=1), so it is no surprise that they have very similar
public static double dnegbinom(long i,long r,double p)
return Arithmetic.binomial(i-1,
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