Database Reference
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By default, INSERT statements overwrite data with the same primary key.
This is not the usual behavior for SQL databases, so it may come as a
surprise to some. This can cause problems in some situations, and, starting
with CQL3, Cassandra now supports a feature called Lightweight
Transactions that recover the SQL-like behavior by adding an IF NOT
EXISTS statementtotheendofthe INSERT statement.Forexample,ausers
table with a created_on field set to NOW() will be changed after every
insert unless the IF NOT EXISTS statement is used:
cqlsh:metrics> CREATE TABLE users(email TEXT PRIMARY
cqlsh:metrics> INSERT INTO users(email,created_on)
... VALUES ('byron@domain',NOW());
cqlsh:metrics> SELECT email,dateOf(created_on) AS
... FROM users;
email | created_on
byron@domain | 2013-12-07 19:40:24-0800
(1 rows)
cqlsh:metrics> INSERT INTO users(email,created_on)
... VALUES ('byron@domain',NOW());
cqlsh:metrics> SELECT email,dateOf(created_on) AS
... FROM users;
email | created_on
byron@domain | 2013-12-07 19:41:09-0800
(1 rows)
cqlsh:metrics> INSERT INTO users(email,created_on)
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