Database Reference
In-Depth Information
The most common styles of NoSQL databases are the various forms of
persistent key-value stores. They range from single-machine master-slave
data stores, such as Redis, to fully distributed, eventually consistent, stores,
such as Cassandra. Their fundamental data structure is the key with an
arbitrary byte array value, but most have built some level of abstraction
on the core entity. Some, such as Cassandra, even extend the abstraction
to offering a SQL-like language that includes schemas and familiar-looking
statements, although they don't support many features of the language.
The NoSQL database world also includes a variety of hybrid data stores,
such as MongoDB. Rather than being a key-value store, MongoDB is a form
of indexed document store. In many ways it is closer to a search engine like
Google than it is to a relational database. Like the key-value stores, it has a
very limited query language. It does not have a schema; instead it uses an
optimized JSON representation for documents that allow for rich structure.
Unlike most of the key-value stores, it also offers abstractions for reference
between documents.
Along with the simplification of the query languages and maintenance of
schemas comes a relaxation of the aforementioned ACID requirements.
Atomicity and consistency, in particular, are often sacrificed in these data
stores. By relaxing the consistency constraint to one of “eventual
consistency,” these stores gain some performance through reduced
bookkeeping and a much simpler model for distributing themselves across a
large number of machines that may be quite distant physically. In practice,
for streaming applications, it is generally not necessary that each client have
the same view of the data at the same time. The principal problem is when
two physically separate copies of the database attempt to modify the same
piece of state. Resolving this problem is tricky, but it is possible and is
discussed in detail in Chapter 3, “Service Configuration and Coordination.”
Relaxing the atomicity requirement also usually results in a performance
gain for the data store, and maximum performance is the ultimate goal of all
of these data stores. Most of them maintain atomicity in some lightweight
way, usually the special case of counter types. Maintaining atomic counters,
as it happens, is not too difficult and also happens to be a common use case,
leading most data stores to implement some form of counter.
Each of the stores discussed in this topic have different strengths and
weaknesses. There is even a place in real-time applications for traditional
relational databases. Different applications will perform better with one
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