Database Reference
In-Depth Information
"first" : "A",
"second" : "Q",
"count" : 377
...more content omitted...
"_id" : ObjectId("53213bc9ae5fcad63d0567c5"),
"first" : "A",
"second" : "G",
"count" : 769
"ok" : 1
Other filtering options are $limit and $skip .Mostlyusedfortesting asan
initial filter, the $limit filter restricts the number of elements entering the
aggregation, as in this example:
> db.aggtest.aggregate([{$limit:1}]);
"result" : [
"_id" : ObjectId("53213bc8ae5fcad63d0563e9"),
"first" : "S",
"second" : "W",
"count" : 762
"ok" : 1
The $limit command is more typically used after a grouping and sorting
operation to limit the output to the user. Similarly, the $skip command
will ignore some number of documents entering the filter. Combined with
$limit , it is often used after grouping, as well as to implement pagination:
> db.aggtest.aggregate([{$skip:10},{$limit:1}]);
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