Database Reference
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try {
Map<String,Object> json =
String raw = (String)json.get("raw");
raw = raw.substring(2,raw.indexOf("]]"));
for (String word : raw.split("\\s+")) {
HashMap<String,Object> val = new
val.put("word", word);
collector.send( new
OutgoingMessageEnvelope( OUTPUT_STREAM ,val));
} catch (Exception e) {
System. err .println(e);
Initializing Tasks, Windows
In addition to the StreamTask interface, a task may implement the
InitableTask interface. This adds an init method that is called when
the task object is created. This is used to establish connections to resources
at run time that cannot be statically initialized.
Tasks that should periodically emit values, such as counting operations, can
implement the WindowableTask interface. This interface adds a window
method that is periodically called by the Samza framework.
For example, a task that consumes the output of wikipedia-words from
the previous section and maintains counts of the individual words might use
all three interfaces. In this case, the init interface is not strictly necessary,
but it is included for completeness:
public class WordCountTask implements StreamTask,
InitableTask, WindowableTask {
private static final SystemStream OUTPUT_STREAM =
new SystemStream("kafka","wikipedia-counts");
HashMap<String,Integer> counts = new
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