Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 5.6
To shut it down, the grid script provides a command to stop all processes in
the correct order:
$ ./bin/grid stop all
To start the grid again, simply use the start command:
$ ./bin/grid start all
Any processes that are already running as part of a different server pool,
such as ZooKeeper, can be omitted. In that case, rather than using the all
command simply specify the names of the individual servers to start.
The Hello Samza project also includes some example code that can be run.
This chapter uses the first part of the example code for some of its examples.
This Samza job reads the Wikipedia edit stream from the Wikipedia IRC
servers and posts them as JSON to the wikipedia-raw topic on the local
Kafka cluster. To start this job on the grid, execute the following code:
$ ./deploy/samza/bin/ \
> --config-factory=\
> --config-path=\
> file://$PWD/deploy/samza/config/
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