Database Reference
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TridentTopology topology = new TridentTopology();
topology.newStream("lorem", new LoremIpsumSpout()
.each( new RandomFunction(), new Fields("x"))
.each( new Fields("x"), new SquareFunction(), new
.each( new Fields("x","y"), new PrintFunction(), new
Running this topology for a bit would produce output that looks like this
(only the x and y fields are pulled into the PrintFunction for brevity):
[0.8185738974522312, 0.6700632255901359]
[0.04147059259035091, 0.0017198100497948677]
[0.5122091469924017, 0.2623582102626838]
[0.032330581404519276, 0.0010452664939542477]
[0.49881777491999457, 0.24881917257613437]
[0.9140296292506043, 0.8354501631479971]
[0.807521215873791, 0.6520905140862857]
[0.03596640476063595, 0.0012935822714058964]
[0.7539011202358764, 0.5683668990929094]
Repartitioning Operations
In Trident, groupings are called repartitioning operations, but remain
essentially unchanged from their equivalent operations in standard
topologies.Theseoperations implyanetworktransfer oftuplesjustlikethey
do in a traditional topology:
• The shuffle partitioning evenly distributes tuples across target
• The broadcast partitioning sends all tuples to all target partitions.
• The partitionBy partitioning is equivalent to the fieldsGrouping .
It takes a list of fields found in each tuple and uses a hash of their values
to determine a target partition.
• The global partition sends all tuples to the same partition. Trident
also adds a batchGlobal variant that sends all tuples from the same
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