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When the spout's open method is called, the transient LoremIpsum
class is instantiated because it does not implement Serializable and
therefore cannot be configured prior to starting the topology. As usual,
the collector element is also captured for later use:
transient LoremIpsum ipsum;
transient Random rng;
transient SpoutOutputCollector collector;
public void open(Map conf, TopologyContext context,
SpoutOutputCollector collector) {
this .collector = collector;
ipsum = new LoremIpsum();
rng = new Random();
Because this Spout is completely self-contained, the transactional
methods ack and fail , as well as the lifecycle management
methods— activate , deactivate , and close —can be left as stub
The nextTuple implementation sleeps for a moment, to reduce load
during test cases, and then emits a tuple of the appropriate length
containing “lorem ipsum” text of varying length:
public void nextTuple() {
Utils. sleep (100);
ArrayList<Object> out = new ArrayList<Object>();
for (String s : fields)
To test this Spout , use a simple LocalCluster implementation to see
it in action. First construct a topology with two LoremIpsum spouts:
TopologyBuilder builder = new TopologyBuilder();
builder.setSpout("spout1", new LoremIpsumSpout()
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