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When defining the topology, these additional streams are added to the
grouping calls after the source name. For example, attaching a bolt to the
cdr stream using a field grouping looks like this:
builder.setBolt("empty", new RichEmptyBolt());
builder.setBolt("process", new BasicBolt())
.fieldsGrouping("empty", "cdr", new
Processing incoming tuples is handled by the execute method inside the
bolt. In RichBolt implementations, it has a single Tuple argument. This
class implements the Java List<Object> collection interface, but also
provides higher-level access to the fields as declared by the source bolt.
A bolt can do whatever it likes with the input tuple. For example, to produce
has elements of the same name, the execute method would look like this:
[[OPEN-LW-CODE80]] public void execute(Tuple input) {
List<Object> objs = new
collector.emit("car", new Values(objs.get(0)));
collector.emit("cdr", new
The first line of this example is using a feature of the Tuple wrapper to
extract a subset of the Tuple object into a known ordering. This ordering
is the same as the declared output stream, so it can simply be emitted as
is. The emit method assumes that the output is an object that implements
List<Object> , which is converted into a Tuple after it arrives at the next
Next, the other two streams, car and cdr , are emitted. Because they only
take a subset of the default stream, new output arrays need to be
constructed. The default Java constructors for List objects are generally
verbose, so Storm provides a class called Values . This class implements the
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