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A graph, of course, is a structure that contains vertices (nodes) connected
together with edges. In this case, the edges are directed, which means that
data only flows in a single direction along the edge.
These graphs are also acyclic, which means that the arrangement of edges
may not form a loop. Otherwise, the data would flow infinitely around the
topology. A simple topology is shown in Figure 5.3 , with an input spout and
two layers of bolts. The Storm framework can increase the bolt parallelism
as needed to maintain performance.
Figure 5.3
Topologies are built in Storm using the TopologyBuilder class and
created by a call to createTopology :
public static void main(String[] args) {
TopologyBuilder builder = new TopologyBuilder();
defineTopology (builder,args);
StormTopology topology = builder.createTopology();
The defineTopology method is where the graph itself is constructed.
Each vertex in the topology consists of a unique name and the definition
of either a spout or a bolt. A spout is Storm's data input mechanism and is
added using the setSpout method:
public static void defineTopology(TopologyBuilder
,String[] args) {
builder.setSpout("input", new BasicSpout());
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