Database Reference
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agent_1.source.source-1.destinationName= DATA
agent_1.source.source-1.destinationType= QUEUE
JMS sources support the notion of converters, which are able to convert
inputs from the JMS queue to Flume events. Although it is possible to
implement a custom converter, the default converter is able to convert
messages consisting of objects, byte, or text messages to native Flume
events. The properties on the JMS message are converted to headers in the
Flume events.
Exec Source
The Exec source allows any command to be used as input to stream. It is
often used to emulate the Tail Source that was part of Flume prior to version
1.0. Setting the type to exec and providing a command property is all that
is required under normal circumstances. For example, this command tails a
log file for agent_1 :
agent_1.source.source-1.type= exec
agent_1.source.source-1.command= tail -F /var/log/
The -F switch, which tells tail to account for log rotation, should be used
in place of the more common -f switch. There are also a number of optional
parameters that can be set as part of this Source. For commands that need
it, a shell can be specified with the shell property. This allows for the use
of shell features such as wildcards and pipes: /bin/sh -c
When the command exits, it can be restarted. This is disabled by default;
enable it by setting the restart property to true :
agent_1.source.source-1.restart= true
When restarting a command, the restartThrottle property controls
how quickly the command is restarted (in milliseconds):
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