Database Reference
In-Depth Information
* Basic representation of a data object in Flume.
* Provides access to data as it flows through the
public interface Event {
public Map<String, String> getHeaders();
public void setHeaders(Map<String, String> headers);
public byte [] getBody();
public void setBody( byte [] body);
Like the Kafka Message , the Event payload is an opaque byte array called
the Body . The Event also allows for the introduction of headers, much
like an HTTP call. These headers provide a place for the introduction of
metadata that is not part of the message itself.
Headers are usually introduced by the Source to add some metadata
associated with the opaque event. Examples might include the host name of
the machine that generated the event or a digest signature of the event data.
Many Interceptors modify the header metadata as well. The metadata
components are used by Flume to help direct events to their appropriate
destination. For example, the multiplexing selector uses the header
structure to determine the destination channel for an event. How each
sections devoted to each selector.
Channel Selectors
If multiple channels are to be used by a source, as is the case with the
agent_1 source in the previous example, some policy must be used to
distribute data across the different channels. Flume's default policy is to use
a replicating selector to control the distribution, but it also has a built-in
multiplexing selector that is used to load balance or partition inputs to
multiple sinks. It is also possible to implement custom channel selection
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