Game Development Reference
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be centering the classroom at the coordinates of x = 128, y = 128, z = whatever your terrain height is. All of
your parts will be aligned to those coordinates, with a variation in z to accommodate the various levels in the
classroom structure.
For the initial step, set up the support structure of the building, called Base, by aligning three of these
pieces, with the center one at x = 128, y = 128, z = height of your terrain, as shown in Figure 4.26, top image.
Note that the middle base piece is rotated 90 degrees to the end pieces; this is purely for aesthetic reasons,
and they can all be set in a straight line if you wish. For the purposes of this project, the foundation is laid
running East to West on the terrain, so that the airlocks can be added on the North and South sides. Then,
add in the Crossroads section of the structure and align it to x = 128, y = 128 as well. After that, add in the
Tunnel sections, which will be linked up to the crossroads section, along the y = 128 axis, so they are in line.
See Figure 4.26 for these three steps.
4.7.4 a dding The d oor and W indoW d eTails To The f irsT f loor
Once you (and the class) have set up the Tunnel sections, you can now add the Door_Trim, Windows, Airlock,
and Doors mesh model components. The Door_Trim will go onto every opening, the Windows will go onto
the ends of the Tunnel sections, and the Airlocks will go onto the Crossroads openings without the Tunnels in
this build. You then will add in the Doors for the Airlocks, leave them up or open so that the avatars can walk
in and out. Later, you may want to add a door moving script that allows it to function like an airlock door. The
windows may be opaque in your components because of a state change in the upload. To make them transpar-
ent again, go into Edit Linked and select a window section or glass wall only, not the whole linked object with
its alignment cube. Then, in the Edit Menu, under the Texture Edit tab, select the face of each window and
change the transparency to 20%. See Figure 4.27 for progressive images of this assembly. The outermost doors
will not will not have their alignment cubes at x = 128, y = 128. To align with the front door frames, they will
be moved 3.34 m out from the center, or you can do that by eye.
4.7.5 C reaTing The s eCond f loor
Once you have gotten the irst-loor building assembled the way you want it, hold the Shift key to group select
the entire irst loor. Shift+drag it to make a copy, moving straight up on the z axis to make the second loor.
You are doing great! See Figure 4.28 for images from this step.
4.7.6 r emoVing The a lignmenT C uBes and C reaTing a “h andle
If you are comfortable with the process of linking and unlinking elements in a virtual structure and have
everything in its inal position, then go ahead and unlink the alignment cubes and delete them. Create a new
prim, located at x = 128, y = 128, z = above the structure of the whole classroom to serve as a “handle” for
moving it all around easily. Then select all the parts and relink the entire structure to the “handle” prim,
selecting it last, so it becomes the new key prim. If you plan on putting some LSL scripts into the doors, to
them to make them move, unlink them from the handle irst. There are images of this process in Figures 4.29
and 4.30.
a dding in The r amps
In the spirit of “Design for All,” the ramps and rails are added to the exterior for ease of access. Now let's
add in the Ramps and Railings mesh models. Put Ramp_1, on the ground to have access to the South side
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