Game Development Reference
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FIGURE 3.5 Initial pitch/proposal sketches created in SketchUp for “Inland: Search for the Sy” on the IBM Exhibit
sims, from 11/2010-2/2011.
mean your team should be working with all of them. Try to utilize the most common ile formats, like the
COLLADA (.dae), the Autodesk .fbx format, and you will have fewer translation issues. Bear in mind that it
is the COLLADA (.dae), not the Autodesk (.dae), ile format that is universally accepted in Second Life and
OpenSim. The strength of using SketchUp Pro in this scenario is that your prototype models can be viewed in
the OpenSim and on Unity. Blender is a free 3D modeling program, so you can set up lots of workstations for
an expanding team without much overhead. 3DSMax is a widely used professional program for 3D modeling
in the entertainment industry. There are probably some more software programs you like and want to include
here, but these three will cover most of your needs and offer a wide price range.
3.3.2 “B uild i T o nCe ” C harT of s Tudio s Kills and r esponsiBiliTies
You may be a sole proprietor, but understanding the typical structure of a larger design studio is necessary.
There may be sudden growth in your business, or you may take on a new job with a larger studio. Again, you are
urged to embrace the “spirit” of this chart and revise the details as they pertain to your experience and needs.
As you look at the chart of skills and responsibilities in Figure 3.7, it is necessary for you to understand that
there are important lines of direct communication to be established. While it's crucial that all members of the
team communicate well with all the other groups, the big decisions and clearest worklow streams go through
these direct lines of communication. As you may note, the art director/creative director position is the very hub
of this structure. Everyone needs to talk to the art director for one thing or another, and usually this person's
phone is ringing off the hook. However, as important as that position is, these individuals are only as good as
the teams that support them. Without great images from the concept artist or clear background stories from
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