Game Development Reference
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If the scripts are all working as expected, take a copy of the spheres, and put them in 3 folders in your
inventory. Call the folders “Loop,” “Touch,” and “Proximity Sound Emitters” so you can ind them easily.
11.8.3 m aKing The s ound e miTTers s peCifiC To s ound and T rigger
1. Now, you should download and import the rest of the sounds provided with this chapter; make sure
you have the following 14 “ready-to-go” sounds:
a. Babbl i ng _ St rea m.wav
b. Boiling_Stew.wav
c. Campire_loop.wav
d. Goat_help_me.wav
e. Goat_saved_me.wav
f. Goatherd_going_by.wav
g. Herd_of_goats_loop.wav
h. Marketplace_with_vendors_loop.wav
i. Orchard_birds.wav
j. Troll_eat_you.wav
k. Troll_goat_stew.wav
l. Troll_MMM_eat_stew.wav
m. Troll_my_little_goat.wav
n. Wind.wav
2. Drag out seven looping-type sound emitters from your Loop Sound Emitters folder and put in
the sounds “Babbling Stream,” “Boiling_stew,” “Campire,” “Herd_of goats,” “Marketplace with_
vendors,” “Orchard_birds,” and “Wind”, respectively, removing the Test_123.wav ile as you do.
Note: The volume setting in these ScriptMe-generated scripts is found in the sound function line
and set at 1 (the loudest) as a default. You may need to change that number when you have several
spheres close together.
3. Now drag out two touch-activated sound emitters and put sounds d and e into their content invento-
ries, one sound in each, removing the Test_123 as you do it. Touch it to make sure it works. Rename
the emitter spheres “Goat_help_me_touch” and “Goat_saved_me_touch,” make them phantom,
and take them back into your inventory in a new folder called “TBG_sound_touch.”
4. Drag out four proximity-activated sound emitters and put sounds j, k, l, and m in each. Put one
sound into the contents of each emitter, removing the Test_123.wav ile as you do. Walk away
and then back to it to make sure it works and that the sound activates only once when you are
5 meters away from it. Rename the emitter spheres “Troll_eat_you_prox,” “Troll_goat_stew_prox,”
“Troll_MMM_eat_stew_prox,” and “Troll_my_little_goat_prox”; make them phantom; and take
them back into your inventory in a new folder called “TBG_sound_prox.” Note: This script will
have to be reset or the object rezzed again for the emitter to produce the sound again for you to hear
when you approach it, since it's scripted to play only once.
You will see an inworld view of this step in Figure 11.5; note that the sound emitters have a bright pattern
on them for illustrative purposes only. You can make them any color you wish while you build; eventually
you will make them fully transparent and invisible for game play.
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