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microtubules have an average life time of less than 1 min. This short timescale requires
at least 2-s interval sampling frequency to sufficiently capture mitotic microtubule
￿ For step 1, the slide can be placed directly onto the microscope stage set at
37 C for 20 min prior to imaging. This would negate the need for an
￿ During the transfer of the slide from the incubator to the microscope, it is
critical that the transfer time is less than 1 min. cut7.24 ts
is a fast acting
mutant ( Velve Casquillas et al., 2011 ). Within
1 min at the
nonpermissive temperature (37 C), cut7p is inactive; and within
1 min
at the permissive temperature (25 C), cut7p is active again. To ensure
sustained monopolar spindles, we recommend that the transfer time is
completed under 30 s.
￿ Ultimately, the practical achievable spatiotemporal resolutions of imaging
individual spindle microtubules will depend on many factors: (1) the
quality and speed of the optical pathway, (2) the sensitivity of the detector
of the microscope, (3) the exposure time needed to acquire a good
fluorescent signal, (4) the bleaching of the fluorescent signal, etc.
Compromises will be necessary to achieve optimal results.
37 C incubator.
Optical microscope capable of fluorescent imaging and has a temperature
control box.
24.1.4 Data analysis
Figure 24.1 C shows two examples of the “control” cut7.24 ts strain expressing
mCherry-atb2 (tubulin). cut7.24 ts is reversible, able to transform from a short bipo-
lar spindle (represented by the “bar” of fluorescent signal) to a monopolar spindle
(represented by the “aster” of microtubule protrusions) at the nonpermissive tem-
perature, and then back to a bipolar spindle when the temperature is again permis-
sive. This is an important control to show that the inactivation of cut7p is reversible
and does not permanently alter spindle dynamics and organization, strongly imply-
ing that individual microtubule dynamics is not affected by the inactivation of
cut7p. Therefore, cut7.24 ts
is a good tool to study individual spindle microtubule
Figure 24.1 D shows comparisons of spindle morphology between the wild-type
and control cut7.24 ts , and the mutants cut7.24 ts :csi1
and cut7.24 ts :csi2
at permis-
sive and nonpermissive temperatures. The wild-type spindles remain bipolar at both
temperatures. The control cut7.24 ts bipolar spindles become monopolar at the non-
permissive temperature. Both mutants cut7.24 ts :csi1
and cut7.24 ts :csi2
have tran-
sient monopolar spindle phenotype even at the permissive temperature as part of the
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