Biology Reference
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mutations on microtubule dynamics and interactions with specific regulatory pro-
teins, to distinct microtubule-dependent processes.
General equipment
￿ Temperature-controlled waterbath
￿ 0 C incubator and shaker
￿ Thermocycler
￿ Tabletop centrifuge
￿ Tabletop microfuge
￿ Spectrophotometer
￿ Dissection microscope with micromanipulator
￿ Replica plate apparatus with sterile velvet towels
￿ Fluorescence microscope equipped with a 63
high N.A. objective, CCD
￿ Microscope slides and coverglass
￿ SDS-PAGE/western blot apparatus and supplies
￿ Multichannel pipette or “frogger”
￿ Sterile wooden toothpicks
￿ 15-ml Conical tubes
￿ Culture tubes and flasks
￿ PCR tubes
￿ 96-Well plates
General reagents
￿ Yeast-extract peptone dextrose (YPD) media (1% yeast extract, 2% peptone,
2% glucose)
￿ YPD plates (YPD, 2% agar)
￿ Synthetic complete (SC) media (0.67% yeast nitrogen base without amino
acids, 2% glucose, 0.2% appropriate amino acid mix (Sunshine Science
Products, CA))
￿ SC plates (SC, 2% agar)
￿ Sporulation plates (1% potassium acetate, 0.1% Bacto-yeast extract, 0.05%
glucose, 2% agar)
￿ YNB plates (0.67% yeast nitrogen base without amino acids, 2% glucose,
2% agar)
￿ For more details on preparing yeast media, see Treco and Lundblad (2001)
￿ Single-stranded salmon sperm carrier DNA; for preparation protocol, see
Becker and Lundblad (2001)
￿ Adenine, NaOH, KCl, lithium acetate (LiAc), glycerol, polyethylene glycol
MW 3350, benomyl, DMSO (Sigma, St. Louis, MO)
￿ Restriction enzymes (see Table 22.1 )
￿ TE buffer (10 mM Tris, 1 mM EDTA, pH 8)
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