Biology Reference
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￿ Methyl cellulose, 1% solution. Prepared in MRB80 buffer under sterile
conditions. Store at 4 C.
￿ Glucose, 1 M in MRB80 buffer. Prepared under sterile conditions, 0.2
20 Cas10
l aliquots.
￿ Catalase. Available from Sigma-Aldrich, purified from bovine liver. Catalog
number C9322-1G.
￿ Glucose oxidase. Available from Sigma-Aldrich, purified from Aspergillus
niger . Catalog number G7141-10KU.
￿ DTT, 1 M stock.
￿ GMPCCP-stabilized MT seeds (color as required).
￿ Tubulin: 100
filtered. Stored at
80 C. Cytoskeleton Inc., 5
M stock, stored at
1 mg,
catalog number T240-B.
￿ GTP, 50 mM. Stored at
80 C.
￿ Purified
TIPs as required.
￿ Prepared sample chambers.
￿ Sample tube incubator.
￿ Beckman 5
20 mm polyethylene centrifuge tubes (Beckman, catalog
number 343622)
￿ Vacuum grease or vaseline to seal sample chambers. Preparation of an oxygen scavenger system
In any fluorescent system, dye molecules will undergo photodestruction in a process
known as bleaching, and intensity alterations, which is known as blinking. These
phenomena are the result of the fluorophores entering the so-called dark state
which may be temporary or permanent, and are especially important to consider
if the in vitro assay is to be used as a single-molecule experiment. If studying an
association/disassociation process, such as EB binding to the MT, then abrupt
photobleaching can cause a major problem in the interpretation of the results of
dwell time. Oxygen scavenging improves fluorophore stability by inhibiting the
triplet state and hence reduces the effects of bleaching and blinking ( Hubner,
Renn, Renge, & Wild, 2001 ). There are various methods available in the literature
for oxygen scavenger systems ( Aitken,Marshall,&Puglisi, 2008;Rasnik,McKinney,&
Ha, 2006; Swoboda et al., 2012 ). Inour lab,we routinelyuse theglucoseoxidase/catalase
system. This scavenger system is made in the following manner:
5 mg catalase.
10 mg glucose oxidase.
15.4 mg DTT.
Dissolved in 500
l MRB80 buffer.
After components have dissolved, centrifuge the sample for 5 min in a desktop cen-
trifuge at 15,000 rpm to remove any large particulate matter. Usually, we make four
100 m l aliquots and the remaining sample we pipette into 3 m l aliquots. Flash freeze
everything in liquid nitrogen and store at
80 C.
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