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The morphology of the mitochondrial network is not only changing during the
cell cycle, but actually has a crucial role during at least the G 1 to S transition
( Mitra, Wunder, Roysam, Lin, & Lippincott-Schwartz, 2009 ). The visualization
of the mitochondria in cells spread on micropatterns could help deepening the under-
standing of how and why their morphology correlates with or even causes the tran-
sitions in the cell cycle.
In summary, this method is useful whenever it is important to clearly see and
measure mitochondria morphology, localization, and dynamics in cells, fixed or liv-
ing, under controlled spatial conditions.
We thank Nicolas Carpi, Kristin Schauer, and Julie Janvore for helpful technical suggestions.
This work was supported by grants from ANR and LaLigue.
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