Biomedical Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
can be selected from the following settings: 1, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110,
120, 130, 140, or 150 ms using the thumbwheel switch. Figure 6.22 show the timing rela-
tionship of right-atrium, right-ventricle, and left-ventricular CENELEC signal generation.
When a physician programs a pacemaker to the patient's needs, the patient's heart is
usually monitored with a single-lead ECG. The cardiac simulator incorporates the simple
ECG signal generator circuit of Figure 6.23 to provide an output that can be monitored
with a standard single-lead ECG machine. An ECG signal is generated from digital values
stored in IC37, a PIC16C77 microcontroller, and output through the microcontroller's SPI
port to D/A converter IC34. R99 and R100 attenuate the output of IC34 to approximately
2 mV peak to peak. The P- and R-wave ECG signals are synchronized with the right-atrial
and right-ventricular CENELEC output signals.
In Chapter 8 we explain how pacemakers can use impedance signals to derive control infor-
mation based on the heart's contractile state. For the time being, su
ce it to say that as the
heart pumps, the volume of the blood pool around the electrodes changes. Since blood is more
conductive than is muscle tissue, these volume changes result in a varying electrical imped-
ance between the electrodes. The cardiac simulator incorporates a voltage-to-impedance con-
verter to simulate cardiac impedance signals. This circuit is based on an idea by Belusov
[1996] and was designed by Greg Martin, now a project manager at HyTronics. As shown in
Figure 6.24, IC36, an LTC1451 D/A converter, generates a voltage waveform that is stored in
the microcontroller's ROM in the same way as are the ECG and CENELEC signals. In this
case, however, the voltage output of the D/A is converted into an impedance signal.
This impedance waveform is synchronized with the left-ventricular CENELEC output sig-
nal. R79 sets the baseline impedance value (typically, 500
). IC35, a MAX038 sinusoidal
waveform generator, simulates the impedance variations caused by respiration. The fre-
quency of the respiratory component is set by R102. The intracardiac impedance and
respiration waveforms are summed into the inverting input of IC40A. The output of
IC40A, a summing, inverting ampli
er circuit, is given by
1 V .6 2 r
V z
Right Atrial
Right Ventricular
Cenelec Signal
Left Ventricular
Cenelec Signal
Fixed A-V Delay
of 100ms
Time Delay Set by
Thumb Wheel Switch
Figure 6.22 A typical “cardiac” cycle starts with generation of a right-atrial CENELEC signal followed by the right-ventricular CENELEC
signal. The delay from the start of the right-atrial signal to the beginning of the right-ventricular signal is fixed in the cardiac simulator at
100 ms. The left-ventricular signal starts after the right-ventricular signal with a programmable time delay.
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