Biomedical Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Tip 1: Assess the Present State of Safety Management
in your Organization
As far as you can assess the quality of the actual current safety man-
agement, how mature is the state of the art in your organization on
each of the following four levels? Explain your answers using some
Level 1: Plants, tools, systems
Level 2: Procedures, protocols, safety regulations
Level 3: Culture, behavior, responsibility
Level 4: Attitudes, beliefs, information processing
Tip 2: Use the Checklist to Make a Diagram
Score each of the following questions on a 5-point scale, varying from
(score 5). Add the totals per
level (minimum 4 and maximum 20) and draw a diagram.
I don
t agree
(score 1) to
I fully agree
Level 1: Plants, tools, systems
1. The technical installations in my company are safe.
2. The maintenance of our installations guarantees maximal safety.
3. Employees have and use all tools needed to act safely.
4. Regular safety inspections and deviations are addressed.
Level 2: Procedures, protocols, safety regulations
5. All external regulations (for example, government policies) are inte-
grated into the company
s way of working.
6. Employees know all rules involved in doing their specific tasks
7. Employees understand the reason behind each of the procedures.
8. If a person or a team neglects safety rules, they receive feedback to
change behavior.
Level 3: Culture, behavior, responsibility
9. Employees are dedicated to work safely.
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