Biomedical Engineering Reference
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an optimal amount of rules that vary per situation. More rules are
seldom better.
Tip 1: Working Alone Versus in a Team
The saying
expresses the principle that sensitiv-
ity goes down while having company. Also anxiety levels go down while
operating together. There are many situations in which this companion-
ship of another person is needed at work, for example, when extra
hands are required, when complementary competences are involved or
when one has to do the operation and the other has to check it.
shared fear is half fear
Tip: In all cases in which there is doubt whether two or more
persons are needed, consider giving the task only to one person. This
person probably will stay more alert during the execution of the task.
Tip 2: Make Safety Sexy
The brain has a love
hate relationship with safety. Safety measures
have to ensure that we stay sound and alive but shouldn
t cost too much.
We can influence this image by making safety sexier by using fash-
ionable safety equipment for example, all personal protection being
Nike safety shoes, Ray Ban safety glasses, Armani overalls, and so on.
As soon as employees are tempted to wear them for private usage, you
are on the right track.
Question: What can you do to give safety an attractive appeal?
Tip 3: Reducing the Self-Attribution Failure
Perception is personal; everybody perceives something else. Although
we have no options to compare what persons actually perceive, we
have strong indications that some perceptions are more similar among
persons than others. Our self-image belongs to the area in perception
where we assume the most personal coloring of the image. As the self-
image is important in matching competencies to activities and in man-
aging safety margins, a correct estimation of own competencies and
safety behavior is important.
Regular feedback about actual safety behavior can help to adjust the
self-image so that it becomes more in line with what others perceive.
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