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priming tends to be effective as long as the actual stimuli change a lit-
tle bit, although the message can be the same. Regular renewal of pos-
ters in a safety campaign is a good way to maintain the effect. In fact,
the more familiar the campaign becomes, the more the employees start
to like it. This principle is called the mere exposure effect (Zajonc,
2001). This effect works even if the stimuli are not perceived on a con-
scious level (for example, posters when entering the gate that are not
explicitly watched because employees are passing by fast). The effect is
bigger however if there is a conscious recognition (Newell, 2006).
9.7.2 Can Priming be Counterproductive?
Unfortunately, the principle of priming also works on unplanned occa-
sions. Without realizing it, this principle is also active in situations in
which nobody has any intention to influence or manipulate behavior
in a certain direction. If a few employees meet at the coffee machine or
water cooler and complain about work, other teams, or the employer,
these complaints can influence the way of working for hours.
Case 1
In this example, we can discover one moment of priming, answering
the questions on the LMRA and filling in the card.
Priming is a mysterious but effective way to nonconsciously influence
behavior of others. It is widely used in psychological research but hardly
practiced in labor psychology. The concept is simple: a stereotype input
(for example, words, images, smells) influences behavior for hours in a
way according that stereotype. Smell has a direct entrance in the emo-
tional system and evokes behavior more connected to our first nature.
The direct manager is perceived as a role model. By doing what he
expresses and expressing what he is doing, he can use the power con-
nected to this perception. From a safety perspective, stress management
means creating an optimum level of stress and avoiding both low and
high stress levels. The willingness to take risks and trespass rules is
strongly related to the expected outcome of a project. Especially in cases
where the deadline might be missed, high risk behavior might be evoked.
Investigating safety incidents with an understanding attitude, creates
an atmosphere in which openness and improvement foster. There are
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