Biomedical Engineering Reference
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the opportunity to use their work memory more efficiently and save
space for monitoring the process and its environment.
Take care that a senior is in charge when things are not going
Tip 3: Troubles of the Mind are Thieves of Alertness
If people have a hard time on a personal level, for example, insecurity,
worries, anxiety, aggression to the boss, irritation because a task is not
going according to plan, keep them away from challenging tasks. In
this condition, they can become a danger for themselves and for their
Advise them on coaching, mindfulness training, or meditation.
Tip 4: A Free Mind is a Safe Mind Distraction Due to Disturbing
Internal Stimuli
Our mind can be disturbed by repetitive thoughts in the form of irrita-
tion, worries, doubts about competencies, and unfinished business.
These thoughts occupy a part of our free working memory. As long as
these thoughts keep on appearing, this part of the active memory can-
not be used anymore for regular behavior. These thoughts not only
disturb our well-being, but they also deregulate our unconscious
behavior. Mistakes are made more easily.
If you encounter colleagues with a very occupied mind, talk with
them, try to relieve their pressure if possible, and offer personal coach-
ing, if needed.
Have you recently encountered colleagues as mentioned here?
Tip 5: Physical Healthiness Enhances Safe Behavior
The brain needs a fit body to supply it with sugar and oxygen and to
remove waste materials like carbon dioxide. The quantity and quality
of these supplies are directly related to physical fitness.
Can you support your colleagues in maintaining physical fitness?
Tip 6: Distraction Due to Disturbing External Stimuli
Loud sounds, moving objects, constantly changing lights, extreme tem-
peratures, or high humidity can also lead to distraction. Create work
environments that have sensory soberness. If it is not possible to adjust
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