Cryptography Reference
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decision problem algorithm, its complexity is equal to the complexity of the latter
multiplied by O
The factorization decision problem belongs to the class
. This is because,
if the answer is 'yes', i.e., n has a nontrivial factor
k , this can be checked in
polynomial time using a factor a as a certificate by just dividing a into n .This
problem is also in the class co
: if the answer is 'no', then the complete prime
factorization of n can act as a certificate that, just by comparing all the prime factors
with k , allows a polynomial time verification of the fact that none of them is
k .
This requires checking that the provided factors are indeed prime (to ensure that
there are no smaller factors) but, as we will see in Sect. 6.2 , this can also be done
in polynomial time.
The following Maple function may be used to simulate an algorithm for the
factorization decision problem which, when asked whether an integer n has a factor
a such that 2
n , answers either true if this is the case or false if there
is no such factor. To do this, we will let Maple compute the complete factorization
first, but we may use Maple's factoring algorithm as an oracle (or a black box to
whose inner workings we do not have access) so that the function answers our
queries without revealing the factors of n . The function is the following:
> DecisionFactor := proc(n, k)
evalb(ifactors(n)[2][1][1] <= k)
end proc:
Exercise 2.4 Use the method outlined in the previous example, together with the
function DecisionFactor , to factor 247. What is the exact number of calls to
the function in this case?
Exercise 2.5 Write a Maple function that automates the factorization method used
in the previous exercise and, on input a positive integer n , outputs the least positive
factor of n .
Example 2.4 (
If a problem is in
then it is trivially in
(and also in co
), so that we have
the inclusion
. However, it is not known whether this inclusion is proper
or not and it is generally thought that
P = NP
. This open problem, called the
problem , is one of the so-called Millennium Prize Problems for the
solution of each of which the Clay Mathematics Institute (see [50]) offers a prize
of one million dollars. This problem is highly relevant for cryptography because,
as we shall see later on, both private-key and public-key cryptography rely on the
existence of one - way functions . That one-way functions exist is only a conjecture
which, as we will see when discussing RSA, would be proved if we could show,
for example, that no polynomial-time factorization algorithm exists. This conjecture
implies that
then public-key cryptogra-
phy as we understand it today would not be possible (and neither would private-key
More specifically, in Chap. 7 we will see that a necessary condition for the secu-
rity of RSA encryption is the hardness of the factorization problem and hence that
P = NP
so that, in other words, if
P = NP
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