Cryptography Reference
In-Depth Information
Example 11.26 We generate an EC key pair for the domain parameters in Example
11.25. We need a random seed for the BBS generator and we supply the function
with an externally generated one which is the following:
> kgseed := "663434a0148ccea7ff7ef7cd8b53866c":
Next, we generate the key pair:
> eckey := ECKeyGen(dp256, kgseed);
We check that the key is valid for the domain parameters:
> ECKeyTest(dp256, eckey);
Valid key
Next we give the ECDSAsigning function. The required parameters are domain,
privatekey,message and seed , where the last serves to specify a ran-
dom seed to be used by the BBS generator to generate the “ephemeral key pair”
required by the signing algorithm. This ephemeral key pair is generated by
calling the previous function ECKeyGen . The optional keyword parameters are
messagetype , used to specify whether the message is a hexadecimal string or an
ASCII-8 string (in which case, messagetype = text should be set), and H for
the name of the hash function used which, in our case, will be SHA256 by default.
The output is the signature
, where r and s are hexadecimal byte strings.
> ECDSASign := proc(domain::list, privatekey::{posint,string}, message::string,
seed::{posint,string}, {messagetype::identical(hex,text):=hex, H::name:='SHA256'})
local dom, d, p, a, b, G, n, E, r, s, sec, k, R, e;
dom := stringposint ∼∼ (domain);
d := stringposint(privatekey);
p := dom[1]; a := dom[2]; b := dom[3]; G := dom[4]; n := dom[5];
E := EllipticCurve(a, b, p);
while r=0ors=0do
sec := stringposint ∼∼ (ECKeyGen(domain, seed));
k := sec[1];
R := sec[2];
r := R[1] mod n;
e := OS2IP(H(message, messagetype));
s := ((e+d*r)/k) mod n
end do;
I2OSP ([r, s])
end proc:
Remarks 11.2
1. If the default value SHA256 is used for the hash function, the length of the prime
p defining the field should not exceed 256 bits (for longer primes SHA-384 or
SHA-512 should be used). If, on the other hand, a prime n fewer than 256 bits
long is used together with SHA-256 then the function should be modified in
order to make the value of e equal to the leftmost len
bits of the output of
applying the hash function to the message. This procedure should be used, more
generally, whenever the length of n is less than the output length of the hash
function used.
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