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F p [
F p )we
(because of Euler's criterion which tells us that
1 is not a square in
F p which means that
see that the cubic polynomial defining E has only one zero in
there is only one point of order 2 (namely, the point
) and hence that the group
Z 4 ×Z n . Since 4 and n are relatively prime, this group is cyclic
and the orders of its points are divisors of 4 n . Thus these orders are either divisors
of 4 or multiples of the prime n by a divisor of 4. The points whose order is a divisor
of 4 form a subgroup isomorphic to
( F p )
is isomorphic to
Z 4 and hence there are only four of them (more
specifically, there is a point of order 1, namely
and two points of order 4). Thus if p is large and we randomly choose an element
of E
, a point of order 2, namely
, there is an overwhelming probability (equal to n n ) that the order of the
resulting point is a multiple of n . If the order of this point is cn (where c
( F p )
the cofactor of n ) then, using Proposition 2.5, we obtain the point of order n we are
looking for by multiplying the point of order cn by c . Note that the same reasoning
applies to the curve of equation y 2
x 3
ax where a is any quadratic residue in
F p .
Example 11.22 Let us use Maple to construct a subgroup of large prime order of
an elliptic curve group. Suppose that we want to find a subgroup of order a 256-bit
prime with the idea of making the ECDLP in this group hard. Following the preceding
discussion, we first choose a prime p of the form p
1, where n is a 256-bit
prime. To do this we can use the following Maple procedure that, on input a positive
integer m , finds the smallest (probable) prime p of the form p
4 n
4 n
1, where n is
also (probable) prime and m
n .
> specialprime := proc(m)
local n, p;
while not isprime(p) do
n := nextprime(n);
p := 4*n-1
end do;
end proc:
Now, suppose we want n to be a 256-bit prime. Then we choose m a 256-bit
integer (randomly or otherwise) and apply the preceding procedure to find p .For
example, let us take m
2 255 and proceed as follows:
> p := specialprime(2ˆ255);
> isprime(p);
> n := (p+1)/4;
> isprime(n);
> ilog2(n)+1;
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