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hold the same values as in that example namely, the curve and its order, respectively.
Consider the point:
> P2 := [3463541678371912851659120316656876403420014785151586839208,
IsEllipticPoint can be used to check that P2 is indeed a point on the curve.
We compute its order as follows:
> oP2 := EllipticPointOrder(P2, ec192, o192);
If we compare oP2 to the order of the group we see that the latter is twice the
former. In fact, if one pseudo-randomly chooses points on the curve, most of the
time they will have order equal to one-half the curve order (Exercise: why?). It can
be easily checked that the order of P 2 is a 191-bit integer and hence it might seem
that computing discrete logarithms in
P 2
should be very hard (see Example 11.20
below) but it is really not so because:
> ifactor(oP2);
(2)ˆ3 (3) (97) (104109613) (109152774691) (6624920655989) (23014823341457) (778094341)
The order of P2 is a product of small primes and this makes computing discrete
logs in
easy because of Pohlig-Hellman. Let us consider, for example, the point
Q2 obtained by multiplying P2 by a large integer:
P 2
> Q2 := [2279620476803698355975116795317394432717933822248062522259,
Using the function EllipticPohligHellmanRho to compute log P 2 Q 2we
> EllipticPohligHellmanRho(P2, Q2, ec192, oP2);
The following checks that this value is indeed the discrete logarithm for which
we searched:
> evalb(EllipticMult(%, P2, ec192) = Q2);
Exercise 11.21 Write an elliptic curve version of the Maple function BSGS given
in Sect. 6.5 and use it to compute the discrete logarithm of Example 11.18. Write
also a function which combines this algorithm with the Pohlig-Hellman algorithm
and use it to solve the discrete logarithm of Example 11.19.
In view of the Pohlig-Hellman algorithmwe will henceforth assume, without loss
of generality, that the group
where the ECDLP is considered, has prime order. In
practice, this is achieved by selecting an elliptic curve whose order is either prime or
has a large prime factor and then taking P to be a generator of the subgroup of this
prime order. The simplest way to obtain an elliptic curve whose group of rational
points has prime order is to choose curves at random and compute their orders until
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