Cryptography Reference
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> EllipticCurve := proc(a::{integer,string}, b::{integer,string}, p::{posint,string})
local q, A, B;
q := stringposint(p);
if not isprime(q) orq<5then
error "%1 is not a prime >3", q
end if;
A := stringposint(a) mod q;
B := stringposint(b) mod q;
if (4*Aˆ3+27*Bˆ2) mod q = 0 then
error "singular curve"
[A, B, q]
end if;
end proc:
The point at infinity of an elliptic curve will be represented by 0 and the remaining
points by a Maple list
, where x and y are the coordinates of the point. Observe
that the 0 representing
should not be confused with the element 0
∈ F p nor with
the point
(in case this point belongs to the elliptic curve) nor with any other
affine point for that matter. The next procedure takes as input either 0 (for the point
at infinity) or the coordinates x , y (in decimal or hexadecimal format), and outputs
the point given as either 0 or
, with decimal coordinates.
> EllipticPoint := proc(x::{integer, string}, y::{integer, string})
if _params['y'] = NULL then
stringposint ([x, y])
end if
end proc:
The next function takes as input a point and an elliptic curve and checks whether
the point is on the curve, in which case it returns true , otherwise it returns false :
> IsEllipticPoint := proc(P, E)
evalb(P = 0 or (P[2]ˆ2-P[1]ˆ3-E[1]*P[1]-E[2]) mod E[3] = 0)
end proc:
The discriminant of the cubic polynomial defining an elliptic curve is computed
> discr := proc(E)
(-4*E[1]ˆ3-27*E[2]ˆ2) mod E[3]
end proc:
Next we give a Maple function that computes the set of points of an elliptic curve
F p . It runs over the field elements x and computes x 3
b and its Legendre
symbol modulo p , extracting the square roots when it is a quadratic residue. The
input is an elliptic curve in the format output by EllipticCurve and the output
a list of the points on the curve.
> EllipticPoints := proc(E::list(integer))
local a, b, p, EP, x, z, y;
a := E[1];
b := E[2];
p := E[3];
EP := [];
for x from 0 to p-1 do
z := (xˆ3+a*x+b) mod p;
if numtheory:-legendre(z, p) <> -1 then
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