Cryptography Reference
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q a 160-bit prime. Signatures have size 2
, which is 320 bits in the case we
have mentioned, and computations are carried out in the subgroup of order q of
Z p
consisting of the identity and the elements of order q ; all of the latter are generators of
this subgroup. Thus the scheme is much more efficient than Elgamal since modular
exponentiations with a 160-bit exponent are much faster than those with a 1024-bit
exponent. On top of all this, attacks like Bleichenbacher's smoothness-based one are
no longer effective against this scheme.
Exercise 9.7 Obtain an estimate of the average ratio between the time required by
an exponentiation modulo (a 1024-bit prime) p with a 1024-bit exponent and another
one with a 160-bit exponent. Use Maple to perform an experiment that computes the
average ratio for a number of exponentiations of this kind, with pseudo-randomly
chosen exponents and bases, and compare the result to the previous estimate.
9.4.1 The DSA Signature Scheme
Schnorr's signatures were the precursor of the very similar Digital Signature Algo-
rithm (DSA) that, after being first proposed in 1991, was adopted by NIST in the
Digital Signature Standard [75] and, because of this, became very popular. The DSA
uses as “domain parameters” (or system parameters) two primes p , q , which describe
the group used by the scheme, as well as a generator of this group. Thus the domain
parameters are defined by a triple
, where p is an L -bit prime, q an N -bit
Z p of order q (so that g is a generator
prime such that q
1, and g an element of
Z p ). The values of L and N must correspond
of the unique subgroup of order q of
to one of the following pairs:
) =
The scheme also makes use of a hash function which must be one of the NIST-
approved functions specified in [74], namely, either SHA-1 or one of the SHA-2
variants, SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384 or SHA-512. If a pair
as above is
chosen, then either SHA-1 if N
160 or some SHA- xyz , where xyz
N (often
N , then
the output of H will be truncated to include only the leftmost N bits and reduced
modulo q . This way, H can be regarded as a function from
N ) will be used (see [74] for more detail and alternatives). If xyz
} to
Z q .
In [75], methods to choose the domain parameters are also specified. We will give
more details in our Maple implementation below but, for now, we just remark that
the prime q is generated first and then appropriately sized pseudo-random integers
p such that q
1 are generated with the help of the hash function H , until one
is found which is prime. The generator g is obtained from an element of
Z p which
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