Cryptography Reference
In-Depth Information
> RabinSAEPPlusEncrypt := proc(publickey::{posint, string}, message, seed::string,
{messagetype::identical(hex,text):=hex, H::name:='SHA256', hLen::posint:=32})
local n, e, k, M, EM, m, c, C;
if type(publickey, string) then
n := convert(publickey, decimal, hex)
n := publickey
end if;
k := iquo(intlog[2](n)-1, 8);
M := messagetohex(message, messagetype);
EM := SAEPPlusEnc(M, k, _params['seed'], ':-H' = H, ':-hLen' = hLen);
m := OS2IP(EM);
c := Power(m, 2) mod n;
C := I2OSP(c, k+1)
end proc:
Next we give the decryption function. The input parameters are similar to those in
the encryption function, except that the seed is not used here. For the security reasons
already stated, a local variable called reject is maintained inside the procedure
to keep track of the different reasons why a ciphertext should be rejected as invalid.
If the message is detected as invalid at the beginning, the computational steps—
which are now meaningless—are completed all the same and the message declaring
the ciphertext as invalid is not returned until the end of the procedure. As already
mentioned, this is necessary for Boneh's security reduction to apply and, specifically,
to prevent CCA attacks in which the adversary uses timing analysis. The output of
the function is, assuming that all goes well, the original message.
> RabinSAEPPlusDecrypt := proc(privatekey::list, C::string,
{messagetype::identical(hex,text):= hex,H::name:='SHA256', hLen::posint:=32})
local sk, n, k, c, cand, reject, y, v;
if type(privatekey[1], string) then
sk := convert (privatekey, decimal, hex)
sk := privatekey
end if;
n := sk[1]*sk[2];
k := iquo(intlog[2](n)-1, 8);
reject := false;
if StringTools:-Length(C) <> 2*k+2 or k < 2*hLen+2 then
reject := true
end if;
c := OS2IP(C);
cand := InvRabin(c, op(sk));
if nops(cand) = 5 then
reject := true
end if;
cand := select(x -> evalb(x < 256ˆk), cand);
y := I2OSP (cand, k);
v := SAEPPlusDec (y, k);
if nops(v) <> 1 or reject then
error "invalid ciphertext"
hextomessage(op(v), messagetype)
end if;
end proc:
Example 8.15 Let us consider the previously generated Rabin-SAEP + key rk , and
the message and seed defined below:
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