Cryptography Reference
In-Depth Information
We are going to give an example of the DH protocol with Maple, using a safe
prime of realistic size. Current estimates that take into account the effectiveness of
the DLP algorithms studied in Chap. 6 suggest that the safe prime should have at
least 1024 bits.
Example 7.2 Alice and Bob want to use the DH protocol to agree on a key. We will
show how they can share a secret integer of size close to 1024 bits from which a
secret key such as, for example, an AES key, can be derived.
First, Alice and Bob have to agree on a safe prime p and a generator g of the
QR p of quadratic residues modulo p . They want a 1024-bit prime and they
will use the one in Example 6.7 (we do not print it to save space):
> p := PseudoRandomSafePrime(294779833764425581873162947825807970808, 1024):
A check that p is indeed (very probably) a safe prime of the form p
2 q
with q also prime and that p has 1024 bits is the following:
> q := (p-1)/2:
isprime ([p, q]);
[true, true]
To complete the previous setup for the DH protocol, Alice and Bob must also
agree on a generator of
Z p , which is found by
taking a pseudo-random element of the latter group and squaring it. They choose an
integer in the range 0
QR p , i.e., an element of order q of
2 1024 and, after checking that it is less than p
1, they square
it modulo p to obtain the generator g :
> with(RandomTools:-BlumBlumShub):
BG := NewBitGenerator(279804548445444154496400548857816873066,
numbits = 1024, output = integer):
> h := BG():
evalb(h < p-1);
> g := hˆ2 mod p;
An alternative way to find a generator of
QR p would be to just pick elements at
Z p until one is found which is different from 1 and has Legendre symbol
equal to 1. We already know that this is the case for g (because it is a square):
random in
> numtheory:-legendre(g, p);
Alice and Bob agree on using p (which determines the group) and g , and this
information can be exchanged through the public channel. Now Alice chooses at
random an element of
Z q that she will use as exponent. In fact, she will settle by
choosing it pseudo-randomly using Blum-Blum-Shub and a 128-bit random seed.
She will choose an integer x of 1023 bits or less (since q has 1023 bits) and she will
check that x
1; if this turns out not to be the case she chooses another integer
until one is found that satisfies this condition:
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