Cryptography Reference
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The next function builds the message variants. The input is a text string, a number
n such that 0
2 t
1, where t is less than or equal to the number of spaces
in the text string, and a list containing the positions of the spaces in the string (in a
moment, we will see how Eve can build this list). The output is the message variant
in which the spaces corresponding to “1” bits in n are replaced by ASCII-160 spaces
as explained above.
> variant := proc(n, message, spaceslist)
local bin, v, l, i;
bin := convert(n, base, 2);
v := message;
l := spaceslist;
for i to nops(bin) do
if bin[i] = 1 then
v := replacespace(v, l[i])
end if
end do;
end proc:
For example, the variant of m1 corresponding to the number 1553 is:
> v1553 := variant(1553, m1, [StringTools:-SearchAll(" ", m1)]);
"By signing this statement Eve agrees to pay Alice the amount of $950000
(nine hundred fifty thousand dollars) for the house mentioned below"
Of course, the message looks the same as the original one but four of the spaces
are non-breakable now; we show below which these spaces are.
Observe that the list of space positions is determined by the text string and hence it
would not be necessary to pass it to the variant procedure as a separate argument.
But Eve is doing it this way because, when she mounts the birthday attack, she
will have to build many variants of the same message and it would be wasteful to
compute the spaces list when computing each of these variants. On the other hand,
observe also that another way to see that v1553 and m1 are really different is just
by computing their hash values and putting them side by side:
> Hash40(m1), Hash40(v1553);
"473c560db9", "17cc0d8ead"
We can check the positions in v1553 where the ASCII-160 spaces have replaced
the ASCII-32 ones. They correspond to the four “1” bits in the binary expansion of
1553 and are the following:
> StringTools:-SearchAll(StringTools:-Char(160), v1553);
3, 30, 54, 61
Now, Eve is ready to mount her attack. She knows Theorem 5.5 according to
which if she builds 1
2 19 variants of each of the two contracts she already has a
chance approximately equal to 1
2 of finding a collision. So she intends to consider
a few more variants and her first idea, aiming to reduce searching to a minimum, is
to build an array indexed by all the possible hash values, i.e., the numbers from 0 to
2 40
1, and then to compute, say, 2 21 hash values of variants of m1 and store the
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