Cryptography Reference
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u := 128*ceil(c/128)-c;
v := 128*ceil(a/128)-a;
S := GHASH(Flatten(map(bytetobits, convert(ArrayTools:-Alias(H, [16]), list))),
[op(Flatten(map(bytetobits, A))), 0$v, op(Flatten(map(bytetobits, C))), 0$u,
op(integer2bits(a,64)), op(integer2bits(c,64))]);
T := GCTR(ek, [op(IV), 0$3, 1], map(bitstobyte, [LengthSplit(S, 8)]))[1 .. t];
[C, T]
end proc:
Example 5.9 Let us now test the preceding function by using some of the examples
in [138].
1. Test Case 7:
> map(bytestohexstring, GCMAE([0$24], [0$12], [], [], 16));
map(bytestohexstring, GCMAE([0$24], [0$12], [0$16], [], 16));
["", "cd33b28ac773f74ba00ed1f312572435"]
["98e7247c07f0fe411c267e4384b0f600", "2ff58d80033927ab8ef4d4587514f0fb"]
2. Test Case 16, with a 256-bit key:
> giv := hexstringtobytes("cafebabefacedbaddecaf888");
gk := hexstringtobytes("feffe9928665731c6d6a8f9467308308feffe9928665731c6d6a8f94\
ga := hexstringtobytes("feedfacedeadbeeffeedfacedeadbeefabaddad2");
gp := hexstringtobytes("d9313225f88406e5a55909c5aff5269a86a7a9531534f7da2e4c303d\
c := map(bytestohexstring, GCMAE(gk, giv, gp, ga, 16));
3da7b08b1056828838c5f61e6393ba7a0abcc9f662", "76fc6ece0f4e1768cddf8853bb2d551b"]
Next we give the authenticated decryption function, which is very similar to
GCMAE . The input parameters are almost the same, with the ciphertext replacing the
plaintext and with an additional list of bytes T which corresponds to the tag. The
output is either the plaintext if authentication was successful or FAIL otherwise.
> GCMAD := proc(k::list, IV::list, C::list, A::list, T::list, t::posint)
local ek, H, P, c, a, u, v, S;
uses ListTools;
if nops(T) < t then
return FAIL
end if;
ek := KeyExpansion(k);
H := AESEncrypt(ek, Array(0 .. 3, 0 .. 3));
P := GCTR(ek, [op(IV), 0$3, 2], C);
c := 8*nops(C);
a := 8*nops(A);
u := 128*ceil(c/128)-c;
v := 128*ceil(a/128)-a;
S := GHASH(Flatten(map(bytetobits, convert(ArrayTools:-Alias(H, [16]), list))),
[op(Flatten(map(bytetobits, A))), 0$v, op(Flatten(map(bytetobits, C))), 0$u,
op(integer2bits(a,64)), op(integer2bits(c,64))]);
if T = GCTR(ek, [op(IV),0$3,1], map(bitstobyte, [LengthSplit(S,8)]))[1 .. t] then
end if
end proc:
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