Cryptography Reference
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4.4.2 AES Encryption and Decryption
We now give Maple implementations of AES forward and inverse cipher functions. AES Rounds
First we define an AES round. The input is a round subkey (given as a 0..3, 0..3 array)
and a state array, and the output is a modified state.
> Round := (roundk,state) ->
The inverse round, which is used for decryption, is given by the next function:
> InvRound := (roundk,state) ->
InvSubBytes(InvShiftRows(InvMixColumns(AddRoundKey(roundk,state)))): The Forward Cipher Function
The next function implements the forward cipher function of AES. The input is an
expanded key in the format produced by KeyExpansion and a plaintext block
given as a state array. The output is the state array with the corresponding ciphertext
> AESEncrypt := proc(expandedkey, state)
local st, Nr, i;
st := Array(state);
Nr := nops(expandedkey)-1;
st := AddRoundKey(expandedkey[1], st); #The 0th round
for i from 2 to Nr do
st := Round(expandedkey[i], st) #Rounds 1 to Nr-1
end do;
AddRoundKey(expandedkey[Nr+1], ShiftRows(SubBytes(st))) #The last round
end proc: The Inverse Cipher Function
The inverse cipher function takes as input an expanded key and a state array (a
ciphertext block) and outputs the state with the corresponding plaintext block.
> AESDecrypt := proc(expandedkey, state)
local Nr, st, i;
st := Array(state);
Nr := nops(expandedkey)-1;
st := InvSubBytes(InvShiftRows(AddRoundKey(expandedkey[Nr+1], st)));
for i from 0 to Nr-2 do
st := InvRound(expandedkey[Nr-i], st)
end do;
AddRoundKey(expandedkey[1], st)
end proc:
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