Cryptography Reference
In-Depth Information KeyExpansion
As mentioned above, KeyExpansion takes as input anAES key and generates a so-
called “key schedule”, consisting of Nr+1 round keys K[i] , each of which is a 4
byte array which can also be regarded as a one-dimensional array consisting of 4 four-
byte words (the columns of the two-dimensional array). Thus the key expansion can
be seen as a process that takes as input Nk four-byte words (the columns of the array in
which the AES key is initialized) and generates 4(Nr+1)-Nk more words making
a total of 4(Nr+1) words which are denoted by w[0] , w[1] , ..., w[4Nr+3] .The
first four of these words make up the array K[0] , the next four K[1] , and so on until
K[Nr] , thus giving the round subkeys used by the AddRoundKey operation. The
key expansion algorithm uses two other functions. One of them is called RotWord
and performs a cyclic left shift of the bytes in a word (or, rather, an “up shift”
when the word is written as a column). The other is SubWord and it simply applies
the S-box to the bytes in a word. KeyExpansion also uses the “round constant
word array” Rcon which consists of 14 four-byte words obtained by successive
multiplication by the byte 02 in
F 2 8 , starting with the word [01,00,00,00] (so
2 i 1
that Rcon[i] =
if the bytes are represented as integers in the 0..255
range and exponentiation is taken in
F 2 8 ).
The key expansion algorithm can be given in pseudocode as follows. Note that,
after building the first Nk words of the expanded keywith theAES key, each following
word w[i] is obtained by Xor-ing the previous word w[i-1] with the word Nk
positions before, except when the position is a multiple of Nk or when Nk=8 ,in
which cases some additional transformations are applied to w[i-1] prior to the
Xor operation.
Algorithm 4.2. KeyExpansion .
Input : An AES key k given as a one-dimensional byte array [k[0] , k[1] ,
, k[4Nk]] .
Output : An expanded key given as an array of Nr+1 round keys.
for i from 0 to Nk-1 do
w[i] := [k[4i], k[4i+1], k[4i+2], k[4i+3]]
end do ;
for i from Nk to 4Nr+3 do
temp := w[i-1] ;
if i mod Nk =
0 then
temp := SubWord(RotWord(temp)) Rcon[i/Nk]
else if Nk >
6 and i mod Nk =
temp := SubWord(temp)
end if ;
w[i] := w[i-Nk] temp
end do ;
for i from 0 to Nr do
K[i] := [w[4i], w[4i+1], w[4i+2], w[4i+3]]
end do ;
return [K[0], ..., K[Nr]] .
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