Cryptography Reference
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the bytes which they take as input (and those they produce as output) have differ-
ent formats. In order to make these functions composable, we use the functions
bitstobyte and bytetobits which are defined in Appendix A. ByteSub
takes as input one byte given as an integer in the 0
255 range and produces as output
another byte given in the same format:
> ByteSub := bitstobyte@affmap@bytetobits@invbyte:
For example, let us compute the result of applying ByteSub to a few bytes (in
Maple versions prior to v13, the elementwise operator ~ should be replaced by a call
to map ):
> ByteSub ([$127 .. 132]);
[210, 205, 12, 19, 236, 95]
Now, the S-box can be given as a byte array such that, if b is a byte in the 0
range, then ByteSub(b) = SBox[b] :
> SBox := Array(0 .. 255, x-> ByteSub(x)):
We also record the following version of SBox , given as a map, which is useful,
for example, when one has to apply the SBox to the members of a list:
> SB := byte -> SBox[byte]:
Remark 4.1 Observe that ByteSub and SBox are simply two different ways of
describing the permutation underlying the SubBytes transformation of AES. In
our subsequent implementation we will use SBox as a lookup table, which produces
much faster results than applying ByteSub . Note also that SubBytes is simply
the result of replacing each byte b in the state by SBox[b] (or, equivalently, by
ByteSub(b) or SB(b) ). We do not use the SubBytes name for this permutation
of the byte space, but rather for the operation that defines when it acts on the whole
state as illustrated by the following figure:
16 matrix with files and
columns numbered from 0 to 15. It is also customary to use hexadecimal notation for
this table so that files and columns are numbered by hexadecimal digits, from 0 to f .
Thus this matrix has files and columns numbered by “half-bytes” and its entries are
bytes. In this table, the image of the byte b=ij , where i and j are two hexadecimal
The S-box is usually displayed as a table given by a 16
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