Cryptography Reference
In-Depth Information
out 0 ,
out 1 ,...,
out 15 ,
then we may generically represent state flow with the initial state, an intermediate
state, and the final state, which is the ciphertext block, as follows:
in 0 in 4 in 8 in 12
in 1 in 5 in 9 in 13
in 2 in 6 in 10 in 14
in 3 in 7 in 11 in 15
b 0 , 0 b 0 , 1 b 0 , 2 b 0 , 3
b 1 , 0 b 1 , 1 b 1 , 2 b 1 , 3
b 2 , 0 b 2 , 1 b 2 , 2 b 2 , 3
b 3 , 0 b 3 , 1 b 3 , 2 b 3 , 3
out 0 out 4 out 8 out 12
out 1 out 5 out 9 out 13
out 2 out 6 out 10 out 14
out 3 out 7 out 11 out 15
Similarly, the key is initialized in a two-dimensional array of bytes of size 4xNk ,
where Nk is the result of dividing the key length by 32. For example, a 192-bit key
whose sequence of bytes is
k 0 ,
k 1 ,...,
k 23 ,
is initialized as an array of the form:
k 0 k 4 k 8 k 12 k 16 k 20
k 1 k 5 k 9 k 13 k 17 k 21
k 2 k 6 k 10 k 14 k 18 k 22
k 3 k 7 k 11 k 15 k 19 k 23
The number of AES rounds Nr , which depends on the key size, is given by the
following table:
Nk Nr
128 4 10
192 6 12
256 8 14
The key is expanded bymeans of the function KeyExpansion (described below)
which takes the key as input and produces an expanded key consisting of a sequence
of round keys K[0] , K[1] ,
, K[Nr] each of which is a two-dimensional byte
array of size 4x4 . For this, the initial array of size 4xNk containing the key is
expanded recursively to a two-dimensional array of bytes of size 4x4(Nr+1) ,by
adding columns each of which consists of a 4-byte word. Then K[0] consists of the
first four columns of this array, K[1] is given by the next four columns and so on,
until K[Nr] which is made up of the last four columns.
There are four basic AES operations or transformations that are repeated in each
round—with the exception of the last round in which one of these operations is
omitted. These operations are named SubBytes , ShiftRows , MixColumns ,
and AddRoundKey . The first three of them take the state as input and produce as
output a modified state. The last one takes as input the state and a round key K[i] and
produces as output a modified state. The encryption process starts with an application
of AddRoundKey to the state and K[0] (thus this operation is sometimes called
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