Cryptography Reference
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In order to see that the element g returned by this algorithm is indeed a generator
of G , we can argue as follows. Consider an element x i
G obtained in the first step
of the algorithm and let n i be the order of x i . By Corollary 2.1, n i divides n and,
since x n / p i
1, we see from Proposition 2.4 that n i is a multiple of p e i .Nowlet
x n / p e i
n i
we have just seen, n i is a multiple of p e i i and the cofactor of the latter is removed
when dividing by the gcd, so the order of y i is exactly p e i
y i
. By Proposition 2.5 the order of this element is equal to
p e i
n i
. Finally, since the integers
p e i
are pairwise relatively prime, the order of the product g of the y i is equal to
i = 1 p e i
n (and hence g is a generator of G ) as a consequence of the following
Exercise 2.24 Let
, · )
be an abelian group and x 1 ,
x 2
G elements whose orders
o 1 ,
o 2 satisfy gcd
o 1 ,
o 2 ) =
1. Show that the order of x 1 x 2 is the product o 1 o 2 .(Hint:
Prove that the subgroup
G is the identity subgroup by checking that
its order must divide the orders of x 1 and x 2 .If x 1 =
x 1
x 2
x 2 =
1 then there is nothing
to prove, otherwise assume that 1
o 1 o 2 is the order of x 1 x 2 and show that
x 1 ,
x 2
x 1
x 2 =
1. Deduce that then d divides both o 1 and o 2 ,givinga
An implementation of the generator-finding Algorithm 2.5 in Maple, for the case
of the cyclic group
Z p , where p is prime, is given in the function findgenerator
below. The first input parameter is for the prime p and there is an optional parameter
factors , which is used for the factors of p
1 in the format
p 1 ,
e 1 ] , [
p 2 ,
e 2 ] ,...,
1 and the e i the corresponding
exponents. The default value is precisely this list which, if not passed to the function,
is computed byMaple by means of the built-in function ifactors applied to p
p r ,
e r ]]
where the p i are the prime divisors of p
1 as input is given because this
will allowMaple to compute a primitive root modulo p if this factorization is known,
even in cases when ifactors is not able to compute it. The output is a generator
The option of providing the factorization of p
Z p .
> findgenerator := proc(p, factors := ifactors(p-1)[2])
local n, l, i, found, e, x, g;
if 'not'(isprime(p)) then
error "%1 is not prime", p
end if;
n := nops(factors);
found := false;
e := (p-1)/factors[i][1];
while not found do
x := RandomTools:-MersenneTwister:-GenerateInteger(':-range' = 2 .. p-2);
found := evalb(x&ˆe mod p <> 1)
end do;
e := (p-1)/(factors[i][1])ˆ(factors[i][2]);
l := [op(l), x&ˆe mod p]
end do;
g := (g*l[i]) mod p
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