Biomedical Engineering Reference
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Fig. 1.12
Geometry of the double-barrier tunneling structure
followed by multiplication with the transmission matrix M R of the right barrier. The
final result is M 11 D M L;11 M R;11 exp. ikL / C M L;12 M R;21 exp. ikL /,whereM L;11
stands for the 11-element of the M L matrix, which gives
.1 p R L R R / 2
C 4 p R L R R cos 2 :
In ( 1.12 ), T L and T R are, respectively, the transmission probabilities through the left
and right barriers, R L D 1 T L and R R D 1 T R denote the related reflection
probabilities, and
D kL C .argM L;12 C argM R;21 argM L;11 argM R;11 /=2:
Equation ( 1.20 ) suggests that T can be close to unity if the energy resonance
requirement D .2n C 1/ =2 ho lds, with n integer, even if T L and T R have
small values, for which 1 p R L R R Š .T L C T R /=2. The resonance transmission
probability, T res D 4T L T R =.T L C T R / 2 , can become unity if T L D T R , irrespective of
the values of T L and T R , or can be approximated with 4 min.T L ;T R /= max.T L ;T R / if
T L and T R differ significantly. At resonance, when the energy of incident electrons
E equals a resonant value E res , besides being transmitted with high probability,
the electron travels through the structure faster than in off-resonance conditions. In
general, the devices based on resonant tunneling are ultrafast. Around resonance,
we have
. L C R / 2 =4 C .E E res / 2 ;
T.E/ Š
where L D .dE=d/T L =2 and R D .dE=d/T R =2 (divided by )are,
respectively, the rates at which an electron situated in the well leaks out of it through
the left and right barriers. Close to resonance, T is very sensitive to the values of
E and E res . The last parameter can be easily tuned by applying a bias across the
It is quite remarkable that, although the coherent nature of the electron transport
is explicitly used in deriving ( 1.20 ), which implies that electrons are transmitted in
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